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Divinity Original Sin 2 Advanced Edition Won't Launch Offline

OP Offline


Joined: Aug 2019

Hi everybody,

Yesterday i played and worked on my Divinity Original Sin 2 and Divinity Engine 2 DefEd with no problems. Everythings was good !
And today i don't know why i cant use all of them.
For Divinity engine 2 DefEd, i can access to the select pannel to chose my project but when i chose one it crashs, no Eyes of a child. I tried all projects, even Shared, Origins and more but no one works smirk

I dunno if im alone but i hope there is gonna be a fix smirk

Best regards.


OP Offline


Joined: Aug 2019

I tried repair,uninstall, install Microsoft Visual c++, Nothing Change,
I tried reinstall DOS2 and DE2DefEd, Nothing Change
I update all my Windows, Nvidia, Nothing Change
I tried administrator, all the comptabilities, Nothing Change
I tried to launch without Steam, disabled AntiVirus, disabled connection ! Nothing Change
I tried verify game file, Nothing Change...

I'm on Windows 10 and i definitively Don't understand...

Larian Studios


Larian Studios

Joined: Mar 2003

When you reinstalled the game, did you make sure the install folder was empty/deleted before reinstalling, or install to a different location? You would most likely have wanted to move or otherwise back up the 'Projects', 'Public' and 'Mods' folders in the '..\SteamApps\common\Divinity Original Sin 2\DefEd\Data' folder; there is a 'Mods' folder (at least) in the '..\Data\Editor' folder, as well (probably safest to backup everything left after uninstalling).

If applicable, disable Steam cloud support either globally (in the client click on the Steam menu and select Settings, and then Cloud) or just for this game (in the library right click Divinity: Original Sin 2 and select Properties, then switch to the Updates tab and check the Steam Cloud section).
Alternately, exit out of the Steam client and just start the game directly from the executable when required.

Next, try browsing to the '..\Documents\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition' subfolder.
This folder contains the saved games, configuration files and a level cache folder. Deleting or renaming it will get the game to recreate it on startup; playing the game from a different Windows user account would effectively do the same thing. With Steam running and cloud support enabled, the client would just download the cloud copy of your existing profile.
After that, see if you can start D:OS 2 DE. If so, create a new profile and maybe check that you can start a new game and save/load. If that works, exit and copy a couple saves from the renamed folder into the newly created profile's ..\Savegames\Story folder. If that continues to let you start the game and load the saves, move the rest of the saves over.
If the game still crashes, delete the new My Documents D:OS 2 DE folder and rename the original back again.

If that gets the game working, try preparing one of the default GM campaigns to see if that works. If so, try starting the editor, and see if you can create a test project and see if you have any problems.
If the default campaigns are ok, try copying your own campaign from the renamed folder into the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition\GMCampaigns' folder, etc.

If necessary, there is a way to effectively reinstall the game without having to redownload it.
Right click on the game in the library and select 'Backup Game Files...'. When that is done, right click again and 'Delete Local Content...', then in Windows Explorer, check the install folder and if it isn't deleted/empty, rename it (before deleting, right click, select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and select 'Browse Local Files...'), then restore the game backup.
If that gets the game working, check the editor, and if that is fine you can start sorting out your projects from the renamed folders and moving them back. Hopefully that will get them working, as well, but if not you may need to do more troubleshooting to determine what exactly is causing the problem.


OP Offline


Joined: Aug 2019

Hi Raze, thanks you very much for answer,

I tried all you wrote but that's doesn't change anything...i'm totally lost

Do i have to to reinstall Windows 10 ?

Anyway, thanks for your help ! =)

Larian Studios


Larian Studios

Joined: Mar 2003

Currently there's no reason to think the issue is system related (unless you are having similar issues with other games/programs), or at least not enough to go right to reinstalling Windows. If you have a spare drive you can do a clean install on, you could try it and if it didn't help revert back to your current drive without any loss of settings or data (possibly leaving the current drive disconnected while reinstalling and testing, though if it helped you'd need both drives connected to copy over data and settings, etc; while arguably safer if you are paranoid about something going wrong with the install, having the current boot drive disconnected would add extra steps setting up a boot menu, if that helped and you wanted to be able to switch between installs to play or to move everything over to the new install).

Before resorting to that, though:

Did you move/delete the mod/GM related folders in the install folder when you reinstalled the game?
If not, try doing so, or make a copy of the DefEd folder in another location, and remove the folders from there, to test starting the game from the executable.

Try creating a new Windows administrator user account, switch to that account and try starting the game from there, directly from the executable.

Try doing a clean boot and then test the game, in the new profile or current. Click Start, or hit WinKey-R, type in msconfig and hit enter; in the General tab, click Selective Startup, uncheck Load startup items (if required) and leave Load system services and Use original boot configuration options checked. Next, click on the Services tab, check the box to Hide all Microsoft services, then click the Disable All button (maybe make a note of which are currently enabled/disabled), then click OK and reboot the computer.
Run msconfig again to switch back to the normal boot configuration.

Are you shutting down all non-essential programs (especially anti-virus) before starting the game? Firewalls can cause conflicts (generally on startup or loading screens) and overlays from graphics tweaking/monitoring programs or chat programs can also caused issues.

If you check the Event Viewer, does that give an error code or 'Faulting Module' file name that might help identify the cause of the crash?
- click Start (or WinKey-R), then type "event viewer" into the search box. in Windows 10, 'event' should bring up 'View event logs'.
- after starting the Event Viewer, expand 'Windows Logs' in the left column and select 'Application'
- in the center column, look for a recent error for the game (maybe sort by Date and Time, or search for 'EoCApp')
- check the information under the 'General' tab below the list of events, starting with "Faulting application name..."

If that doesn't help, please email with a dxdiag report (WinKey-R, type in dxdiag and hit enter, then when it finishes loading click on the 'Save All Information...' button and save the report somewhere handy) and a link to this topic. Also check the '..\Divinity Original Sin 2\DefEd\bin' folder for the gold.log file, and if any 'CrashDump' files are being created, zip a few together to include.
Alternately, you can post/PM a Dropbox or Google Drive link, etc.


OP Offline


Joined: Aug 2019

I DID IT ! laugh

I Don't know how or why but when i "End of Task" in TaskManager "Avira.SystemSpeedup.RealTime.Client" i Don't have any problems ! laugh
If someone can tell me how do it "cleaner" ^^


1 Thanks a lot Raze for help !
2 I was on all the forums in the world to find my solution (without find any :/) and saw some guys like me who tried everything whthout solutions :/, So
3 Raze, maybe save or post this solution for guys like me who are not really Updated XD
4 I go to DE2 DefEd !!!! And i'm gonna spend all my night on it ! laugh

Thx Raze.

*Avira.SystemSpeedup.RealTimeOptimizer create conflict too.

Last edited by FROSTYAK; 25/08/19 02:49 AM.

Larian Studios


Larian Studios

Joined: Mar 2003


If you are using the pro version of Avira System Speedup, its 'Automatic cleaning & speed optimization' feature is probably causing the conflict. With the free version I'm not sure if it does anything in real time, but it may remain running in the background.
Try disabling real time / automatic features, or exit out of the program (there should be an option not to have it run on Windows startup) and just run it when needed.

If you are also using Avira's anti-virus, you should be able to add an exception for the game/editor install path and/or the game's My Documents folder. Alternately, disable real time scanning in Avira.


OP Offline


Joined: Aug 2019

Double Click on Avira Icon in the Taskbar ---> Click "Open" for System Speedup ---> Click on the wheel at the top right --->
go to Performance Optimizer ---> uncheck "Activate Performance Optimizer" ---> Wait 10secs and it's done =)

*You can also go to Accelerated Proccessus instead of Exceptions ( large box on the right ) ---> And put Divinity Engine 2 and EoCApp
(from DefEd or Classic as you wich).


Divinity Original Sin 2 Advanced Edition Won't Launch Offline
